Learning and reflecting

Why learning and reflecting as a professional is important

To grow as a professional you want to learn new things, this can be done by following training courses, but also by trying out new things in your daily work. In addition, things regularly go wrong in the daily practice of a professional, an annoying customer or a wrong assessment, it happens to everyone sometimes.

You can reflect on yourself and why some things work and others don’t through intervision. In an intervision session you will work with a group of approximately 6 people (in confidence) on professional issues. The group meets for two hours at a time for a session. During a session, one participant brings in a case. The facilitator then guides the group to clarify his or her problem or question by asking questions to the case contributor with the aim of helping the case contributor to gain insights that will help him or her solve his or her problem on his or her own. Time and time again intervision proves to be a very effective way to help professionals to effectively address their own development issues and to progress in their personal development. This can be done by learning new skills, but also by learning how best to deal with (daily) situations that their profession entails.


  • CONTRACTING (commissioning)
  • ASSEMBLE INTERVISION GROUP(S) (group is between 5 and 7 members)
  • KICK-OFF MEETING (What is intervision, what do you want to learn, how do we work together in this group, what is important to you)
  • INTERVISION SESSIONS (the case of one participant is discussed per 2-hour session, at the end of each session there is an evaluation)
  • FINAL MEETING (what has been learned, how does the group want to continue with or without guidance)

Samples for Intervision

Intervision at Dutch Institute for Organisational Advisors (Ooa)

Independent organisational and management advisors have as part of their membership of the Ooa the right to attend intervision sessions to reflect on their professional learning questions. As a intervision facilitator I host approximately 8 sessions per year where these professional can reflect on any question they bring to the table. Purpose of these sessions is to stimulate professionals to express their problems and challenges, find root-causes and where possible stimulate them to take a next step in their development.

Netherlands Forensic Institue for Psychiatry and Psychology (NFIP)

As part of their training to become a fully certified ‘reporter’ on psychological expertise in the Dutch Juridical system, professionals have to follow a 1-year (parttime) training program. Part of this program is to reflect on your personal habits, biases, and learning style (amongst many other things). As a intervision facilitator I have hosted reflection sessions where members of the training program could learn from each other and were stimulated to overcome their personal challenges.

Indication of methods to be used

The book ‘Praktijkboek Intervision’ by Kohlmann and Bellersen is used for the intervision sessions. This book is also used by the Association of Organizational Consultants (ooa.nl) and offers a rich range of intervision methods that can be used to choose a method for each session that best suits the case.


  • Method 1 A4 Method: Text Interpretation
  • Method 2 Appreciative Inquiry
  • Method 3 Argyris, exploring unproductive conversations
  • Method 4 Adventure of the hero
  • Method 5 Balint
  • Method 6 Clinics
  • Method 7 Diversity in Voting
  • Method 8 Dominant ideas
  • Method 9 Dynamic Judgment Formation®
    • Variant 1 Dynamic Judgment in a space
    • Variant 2 Dynamic Judgment at a table
  • Method 10 Code of Conduct; a feeling of acting contrary to the code of conduct
  • Method 11 Helping questions
    • Variant 1 Helping Questions Game
  • Method 12 Incident method
  • Method 13 Intervision and spirituality, the Silence method
  • Method 14 Metaphors
  • Method 15 Mind Mapping
  • Method 16 Narrative Method: Making Story
    • Variant 1 One case
    • Variant 2 Individual case
    • Variant 3 A group case
  • Method 17 Unwritten Rules
    • Variant 1 The case contributor formulates a problem around his own unwritten rules
    • Variant 2 An organizational unit formulates a question about the unwritten rules that are used
  • Method 18 Candid intervision
  • Method 19 Solution-oriented intervision
  • Method 20 Organizational Constellations
  • Method 21 Reasoning for change
    • Variant 1 Reasoning for change as a method in itself
    • Variant 2 Reasoning for change as an intervention within another method
  • Method 22 Gossip
    • Variant 1 Gossip as a method in itself
    • Variant 2 Gossip as an intervention within another method
  • Method 23 Socratic dialogue
  • Method 24 The Work
  • Method 25 Ten-step method
  • Method 26 Random Techniques: Mother Earth Cards
  • Method 27 U procedure